Friday, June 10, 2011

Media Promo Demi Ucok

Ngobrol-ngobrol santai di Warung Lela, Bandung.
Sambil ngomongin promo film Demi Ucok.

Twitter dirasa nggak sejiwa dengan karakter Film Demi Ucok.
Terlalu banyak kicauan,
Komunikasi satu arah yang singkat.

Tapi Twitter efektif untuk menyebarkan jadwal kegiatan.
Informasi yang terkini dan aktual.
Apalagi kalau di-retweet.

Kita pun berandai-andai...
apakah target penonton kita adalah orang yang gemar ber-twitter ria?
Informasi instan, dengan traffic super padat.

Facebook memang jadi media paling pas.
Lebih personal, interaktif.
Banyak detail yang bisa disampaikan.

Karena Demi Ucok bukan cuma mau jualan.
Nggak juga cari ketenaran.
Demi Ucok mencari teman-teman.

Yang mau mendengar cerita kita.
Bukan cerita bombastis, cuma cerita sederhana.
Tapi bisa buat kamu tersenyum, bahkan tertawa :D

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Opsi Makan Saat Diare

Hari kedua diare,
Minum YOU-C 1000 orange water.
Kirain buat ganti cairan tubuh sekalian supply vit-C.
Vit-C kan bikin diare makin parah.

Hari ketiga diare,
Minum Pocari Sweat.
Nah, yang ini gak pake Vit-C.
Taglinenya pengganti cairan tubuh.

Kok perut jadi kembung?

Ternyata  minuman isotonik nggak baik untuk diare.
Semua yang gue cek di rak ada asam sitrat.

Back to the old ways, oralit.
Hindari makanan pedas, berlemak, asem,
Hindari buah, sayur, makanan berserat??!!

Jadi makan apa dong?




I have unanswered questions such as:
“Why nice people die and bad people live?”
“Why good things come to an end?”
“Why we have to suffer?”’

As time goes,
I haven’t found the exact answers.
But I do find some relieving revelations.

Above all...
One annoying question remains a mystery.
“Why does mosquito exist in this world?”

They spread disease,
They suck your blood and leave a serious itch,
They make annoying buzzing sounds near your ear,
They even looked scary.
They live to make others' life miserable...

I can’t find a single positive thing about them.
They just bring all the negative energy inside of me!

How excited when I manage to squash them flat.
But the real excitement is when I caught them alive,
And do things that make PeTA weeps.

I’m still waiting for the answer,
Even if I have to travel back in time
To exterminate the ancestor of the species...

Monday, June 6, 2011

Room of Torture

I was at Bandung for a project pre-production.
My bedroom was located in front of house renovation spot.
Bad news, I'm allergic to excessive dust exposure...

1st night,
Nose starting to get blocked and runny.
Mosquitos buzzing around my head, kept me woke up a few times.
I have problem with mosquitoes too. They just hate me.
and i hate them even more.
Covered my face with blanket to avoid mosquito buzz,
Just to make my allergy even worse.

The morning after I wake up feeling not well.
Sneezing like crazy. My lungs are screaming for mercy.
Extremely irritated, Runny, red nose & eyes.
Took allergy pill, it helped a bit.
and then came the bedtime again...arrggghh

2nd night,
as soon as I got on bed, the allergy got worse.
and the mosquitoes are just going crazy.
As if they call more backup as a potential victim is there.
With insect repellent cream, I avoid to be a blood donor,
But those blood suckers from hell seems pissed off.

Consecutively flying near my ear,
Buzzing loud to keep me jumped awake after a slight sleep.
I clapped my hands, instead of killing those cursed insect,
My eardrums felt hurt.
Over and over again.

After numerous disrupted sleep and clapping (20 times+?)
Felt like i slept a long time.
SO relieved that it's already morning.
Checked the clock... it's... 2AM
I just spent 2 hours.

Spent another hours with those flying @$$holes and dusty bed?
I'm outta here,
Going to 2nd floor to that sofa.
Guess what? The door to 2nd floor is locked.
And it's also the way to kitchen.
I'm locked down here til morning with no drinking water.
Felt the urge to toilet to find out I got diarrhea.
There I was,
Allergic, Thirsty, liquid shit, irritated.

Tried to clean the bed & pillow sheets outside,
and survive without sleeping til morning.
Last things i remember checking clock was 5AM.

7AM, i woke up, Feeling nauseous.
As if my cheena face got crushed by Aretha Franklin's ass.
Drank water, run upstairs to take a civilized nap.

Going back to Jakarta on 1PM, for a birthday event.
not because i gave up with the room of torture,
But to be honest, yes I'm a bit traumatized.
Thinking of that room just bring the idea
of throwing gasoline, burn it down, and dancing over the ashes.

Hell smiles, it's not over yet...
The diarrhea? It's the worst i've ever had.
To the point I'm relieved I had my Life insurance ready.

But bed-resting, give me the time to contemplate.
To complain less and find the solution instead.
Maybe that's how positive thinking people can enjoy life so much.
Problems meant to be solved for them.

I will buy a brand new pillow at Bandung,
Cover the moldy smell mattress with Bedsheet I brought,
And I heard the room ventilation is now fixed with insect net.
I'll still get an electric plug-in mosquito repellent,
Just in case.

and who knows all the drive came after watching a reality show?
tired of watching a contestant keep on complaining,
over and over again.

Roti Gempol - Bandung

Roti Gempol
Pusat : Jl. Gempol Wetan 14, Bandung telp. (022) 4239469
Cabang :
Toko buku Alebene, Jl. Sukajadi 189, Bandung telp./fax (022) 92403313
Jl. Villa 7 Gatot Subroto, Jakarta telp. (021) 5256619

Review Kamis 2 Juni 2011

taste : 4/5
ambience : 3/5
price : 1/5
hygiene : 3/5
service : 3/5
overall value : 4/5

menu pesanan : Roti Bakar Perseorangan Coklat, Keju Telur, & Spesial
total bill : Rp. 24.000

Salah satu tempat sarapan paling enak di Bandung.
Tempatnya kecil, tapi nyaman.
Roti bakar fresh, dengan harga yang sangat bersahabat.

Entah apa rahasianya,
Dengan bahan sesimpel roti, margarin, coklat meses, bisa jadi enak banget.
Keju telurnya juga dahsyat, dengan gurih mayonesnya.
Yang spesial ditambah irisan daging ham & pepperoni.
PIlihan rotinya juga ada roti gandum.

Porsi perseorangan untuk makan sendiri,
Ririungan porsi gede dengan roti lebih tebal untuk rame-rame.

Dan ternyata mereka punya cabang di Jakarta.
Sayang jarang main ke Dearh Gatot SUbroto.

Tips : Kalau ingin coba roti tawar & roti isi lainnya dalam kondisi hangat,
Fresh from the oven,
Datang sekitar jam 11 siang.

Fresh Donuts...yum...

Sambal yang ini enak bgt sama roti bakar asin

Ukuran roti terlihat lebih kecil karena lensa ultra wide,
Aslinya cukup bikin kenyang.

View Seven Silly Sins Food Map in a larger map

Saturday, June 4, 2011

On Bedrest

Go the worst diarrhea I've ever had.
severe fluid loss and feels sooo tired.
Will type some new post when i feel better :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Demi Ucok

A fresh comedy that is rooted in urban culture.
A story about a girl who’s chasing her dream as a movie maker,
While her mom is constantly nagging her to get married.

Familiar with the nagging to get married topic?
Presented in dialogue that's familiar to our daily madness,
With surprises that will tickle our laughter.

Pre-production starts now,
Shooting will be on mid-July 2011...
At Bandung :D