Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Would FPI buy this?

I know... the buzz about FPI ban Gaga's Indonesia Tour is just too much.
I thought it's just going to be another publicity shenanigans,
Kinda surprised to know  it might really get cancelled.

I enjoy her songs, but I don't buy any ticket to the show, 
Guess I'm not qualified to be a Little Monster.
But it really tickle my mind to know a stupid hard liner organization can affect 52.000 seats sold out tour.

I  might be not that good at converting feelings to words, so I stick to graphic.
Would FPI buy this?

Friday, May 4, 2012

Toxic Neon Green

I always thought neon green associated with toxic is cliche.
But after washing my new neon green bath mat, it is indeed scary.
First dip, the whole bucket of water turned... neon  green!
Not a light one, concentrate stain potential. Even after the 5th rinsing.

and i remember the same experience with my neon green T-shirt!
I will avoid buying fabric stuff  with this color.
The color keeps coming off and such a fuss when it comes to laundry.
It turns water into Nicki Minaj's video shooting props!

3 Rasa Baru Magnum

3 rasa es krim Magnum baru telah dicoba:

Chocolate & Strawberry
Awalnya kepikiran strawberry...meh...udah biasa & nggak istimewa
Tapi ternyata paduan saus strawberry, es krim vanilla & Chocolatenya enak banget.
It's a succesful harmony of basic flavors, dengan kejutan asam segar strawberry.
Entah lidah yang salah, atau saus strawberrynya juga spesial. Beda dengan yang di Conello.

Chocolate Brownie
Lapisan luar coklatnya bertabur kacang mede. Yum
Ternyata "chocolate brownie" itu rasa es krimnya.
Padahal udah berharap ada potongan kue brownie di dalam :|

Golden Hazelnut
Lapisan coklatnya bertabur kacang hazel. Yum
Dengar Hazel kebayang Nutella dibuat es krim...mmm...
Tapi ternyata es krim hazelnya berasa essens palsu di lidah.
Kurang enjoy makan yang ini.

Dan baru-baru ini dengar kabar kalau ada kemungkinan Magnum Cafe 
dibuka lagi di Mall Grand Indonesia.
Semoga kualitas & Porsi, & harganya tetap dipertahankan :)