Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Queen of Food Porn

Someone asked me,
“If you can have dinner with one person
(Dead or alive) Who’d it be? ”

I answered,

The ‘Domestic Goddess’
Who’s proud of her voluptuous figure.
Diet care free,
With pair of assets that can make Julia Perez cringe.

It’s a ‘trying to be funny’ answer, by the way...

Nigella has been dubbed “The Queen of Food Porn”
Because she flirts, moans, grunts, while cooking.
Was wondering, Will she do that on dining table?

But I do fond of Nigella’s cooking show.
The video is presented in artistic shots,
Complemented by her passionate commentaries..

Back then, when I still got cable TV,
Always looking forward for her show.
(And Bob Blumer, and Jamie Olliver, and Fyord...and...)

After no more cable TV, it’s been absent for years.
And just recently, I just realized... YouTube!
I can watch whenever, which one I want!

Love the digital era.

And there she goes again...
Whisking the egg while giving suggestive look,
Oh, behave! :D


  1. owhhh.. i love her too!! she never measure things while cooking, just put all the things by heart!!!

  2. ah, now you mention it :)
    yes, she just pour things by feeling
    and add extra dash when she want to...
